Thursday, May 14, 2009

Because you refused to kiss me on my lips

Because you refused to kiss me on my lips before you go,

time is arthritis to my bones,

can’t move,

only clock is moving

but very slow,

unlike my heartbeat,


it isn’t nice to kiss in public, you told me

with your insincere narrow eyes,

I refused to acknowledged the fact,

loneliness is a fact,

a timeless wound all lonely souls knew,


could kiss you on your forehead or your cheek

in front of the forlorn bus passengers,

but like wine, longing ness rushed to my head

from my heart, that moment,

weakened by the fact that everything is a comma,


so if ever, love,

that the bus you’re in hits a dike,

or on my way home, cardiac arrested me,

no despair please to whomever be left alone,

if ever, love,

that kiss will be a lonely bird in the wide sky,


so please kiss me on my lips before you go

if there will be next time,

you could tell that my kiss on your cheek or the forehead’s the same,

but your kiss on my lips

heals the unripe wounds of my heart,

forgive this child,

his folly,


yesterday when we were young,

we’re mad,

crazy about the moon and his tears; the ocean,

untamed about our impulsive actions and trips to unknown lands,

with mercurial feet we defy time,

now we have a child and we have answers to all questions 

as we want to believed,

we’ve lost something I think, so

lets take away the breath of those travelelling incognitos

if ever they catch a glimpse of us doing it,

take away my heart with you,

please please let my lips bloom before you go,

if there will be next time.


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